Gordon spent his early career managing several heavy engineering businesses in the
UK, Far East and Africa. He changed career direction in 1991 to become the Chief
Executive of a major UK discount retailer, which grew successfully during his tenure,
before retiring from full-time employment in 2007.
Following his retirement, he was active as a Parish Council Chairman, chairing two
different Councils in North Nottinghamshire. He was a National Association of Local
Councils Executive Committee member and chaired their Finance Committee. Locally,
he was chairman of Barrowden Parish Council in Rutland and a director at the
Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Local Councils.
Elected to the Rutland County Council in 2017, Gordon was appointed to the Cabinet as
Deputy Leader, with responsibilities for Finance, Planning, Environment and Property.
He stood down from the Council before the 2023 elections.
In the role of Deputy Chair Political at the Rutland and Melton Association, he steered
the local elections in 2019, resulting in significant Conservative majorities in both
Rutland and Melton Councils.
Having spent over 25 years as an underwater photographer, age and health have
caught up with his diving, and Gordon is now concentrating on documentary
photography. He is a member of the Cambridge Camera Club.